Trajectory from Birth to Tractor Pastor
Born and Raised

Though I was born in Virginia, I was raised a Florida Boy. I enjoyed exploring the great outdoors and never wanted to wear shoes. Being home-schooled allowed for many adventures with my brothers and friends.

I was a teenager sitting with my head in my hands when I distinctly heard the call of Jesus on my life.
Jackson Miss.

From Beaches to Mudd back to Beaches.
After high school I left home on the East Coast to pursue my degree of Bachelor of Arts Biblical Studies at Belhaven College in Jackson, Mississippi. I started my journey as a youth pastor while in Jackson and continued on that journey when I moved back to the East Coast in 2005.
Mow Bros

After completing my Bible Degree I moved back to the East Coast to be near my now wife. I teamed up with one of my older brothers to start our own lawn mowing company, S & G Select. A few years later I got out of the lawn mowing industry and went back to school. I received my degree of Master of Divinity from Reformed Theological Seminary in 2013.
Tractor Pastor

After hearing and testing the clear call to plant a church, Midtown Church was born. Through the years of pastoring this amazing church I have had the privilege of being full time and also bi-vocational. As I have come to understand how God has wired me I have learned that He has called me to reach people for His kingdom both behind the pulpit and by being in the community working on a tractor.

There is nothing I enjoy more than being able to Preach God's word on the weekend and work God's Creation during the week, but now is a season of rest. Everything I do my family is right beside me and we can not be more excited about seeing what God has in store for us as we begin the journey of farming.
Greg Harris
I am who I am, but God's not done with me yet...or you.
I never really gave pastoring much thought, let alone church planting. But half way through my fist year in seminary a professor of mine strongly suggested I plant a church after I finished my Master of Divinity degree. My wife and I entered into a season of praying and testing the Spirit as we searched God's will for our nearing future.
There are many different ways to start a church. Some churches are started from an existing church, some churches go through a church planting organization, and still others start in a living room with no outside support. We were the later. There are also different ways to pastor. Some pastors are able to provide for their family while being a full time pastor, while others choose to take a job outside of the church. The Bi-Vocational Pastor chooses this path for a reason. For some it's because they need a larger income than the church can provide in order to take care of their family and make their living budget. Other Bi-Vocational Pastors prefer to stay connected to the community by working in it while still listening to God's call on their life to bring the Gospel on Sunday mornings.
When Midtown Church was planted in 2012 I was still in Seminary. I did not know what to expect but I had high hopes of building the church quickly and one day receiving full time compensation. Midtown Church was started with no money or sending church, just a call on me and my family to start a Church dedicated to preserving the Word of God and living life with anyone He chooses to bring into our path. The next several years were filled with ups and downs, laughter and tears, Full - Time ministry and Bi-Vocational opportunities. Through these years God refined and molded my desires and talents until He allowed me to settle into a season I could never dream up by myself.
In 2017 my family and I took a leap of faith and went all in as a Bi-Vocational Pastor. Being business minded and having a past of starting and selling many successful lawn care businesses, I was excited to venture into a new realm of outside work - Tractor and Bobcat services. By 2018 my wife had quit her job and entered into a full time position in our company as well as entered into a larger role of serving at church. Our family was now fully united in both serving the church God had called us to start and work along each other as we serve the community around us.
I use to believe people looked down on me for being a Bi-Vocational Pastor, and there are some that might, but I have never been more at peace as God guides me and my family to love those at Midtown Church, and share the good news of the Gospel to those we come into contact with due to our family business. This was when "Tractor Pastor" was born.
Home School Graduate
Belhaven College
Reformed Theological Seminary
Certificate of Ordination
High School Diploma
Bachelor of Arts:
Biblical Studies
Master of Divinity
Certificate of
I attended both public and private schools through out my early education. I completed most of my education under the dedicated instruction of my mother, and the Heat Home School Organization in Palm Bay, Florida.
I attended Brevard Community College for a season before moving to Jackson, Mississippi to pursue schooling at Belhaven College, now Belhaven University, to aid my call to be a Youth Pastor.
In 2009 I felt called to go back to school for the degree of Master of Divinity, but I had no idea this was the beginning of God calling me and my family to start and pastor a church in the Melbourne area.
At the beginning of 2012, and the plant of Midtown Church, I was solemnly and publicly ordained to the work of the Gospel Ministry.